(avery) #1

advanced image you can have of Him, given your current capacity.
There is a very old and true saying which answers the question “What is
God like?, by “Like you when you have reached Him”.

What are those qualities?
Love, wisdom, justice, truth, humility, generosity, sincerity, sensitivity,
understanding, compassion...

Are there any qualities of God that we can ́t possess?
Yes. The Creator is immutable, omnipotent, not created and has
always existed. The created beings have a beginning, although not an
end. They are mutable, as they are in the constant process of
improvement and although their ability to progress has no limit,
because they are constantly growing, this ability is not infinite.

And if that being is so perfect, why does He allow evil to exist in the

He allows His created beings to have experiences at their leisure, so
that they learn from their mistakes. The evil in the world does not come
from God, but rather from the beings in the process of evolution that,
through not knowing the spiritual laws, act against each other.

So you will have to explain to me what these laws are about, because I
very much doubt that they can explain the vast number of questions
that I have, which I haven ́t yet found a satisfactory answer to, and
explain the things that I don ́t understand and that seem to me to be
extremely unjust in the world in which we live.

I would be delighted. Prepare yourself, because we will have a lot to
talk about.

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