(avery) #1

But why does it have to be God who created everything? Doesn ́t
nature have the power to create as well?

It does indeed. But where does the creative power of nature come
from? Where do the laws that rule the universe come from? You
recognise that in nature, in the universe, there exists a creative power
and some laws, the laws of physics, chemistry, and biology which
structure it, putting things in order, in such a way that scientists, when
they discover some unknown phenomenon, don ́t ascribe it to the
void, but rather they try to find the cause that provoked it. In other
words, you admit in your daily life that one of the laws of the Universe is
that there is no effect without a cause. But when it comes to answering
the question “what is the origin of the Universe, that is to say, the
primary cause?”, you yourselves, contrary to the law of cause and
effect, which you consider valid the rest of the time, have no problem
admitting that it was an effect without a cause, in other words, that it
appeared out of the void! This is a contradiction! Consequently, there
has to be a primary cause of everything, and that is God.

Forgive me for insisting, but why does it necessarily have to be God
who has created everything? Aren ́t we humans able to create
beautiful and complex things, as music, or computers?

Certainly, because you also have creative power. But if you have it,
where does it come from? In the Universe there are many beings at
different stages of evolution, with greater and lesser capacity to create
than yours, according to their level of advancement. But we shall have
to admit that if they had a beginning, because of the law of cause
and effect, they must have been created by some previous process
and that, in reality, the creative power of created beings acts upon
something already created, following laws already in existence. So we
reach a point where we need to find an initial creator who has not
been created, but rather has always existed and will always exist, and
who has established the laws and principles of everything that exists,
and that is God.

Well, let ́s accept as a mere possibility that God may exist. In the
hypothetical case that God exists, I would be curious to know who this
supposed God is and what He is like; He is so elusive that He doesn ́t
allow Himself to be seen by the naked eye.

You will know the author through his work. Know yourself and the world
around you and you will begin to know God. Since all the potential of
the creator is in his creatures, if you imagine all the good human
qualities at the most perfect level possible, you will begin to draw a
picture of God which, although very imperfect, will be the most

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