(avery) #1

And all the spirits from the inferior astral, when they have sufficiently
evolved, will one day end up living in superior astral regions, because
this forms part of the process of spiritual evolution. Consequently, there
are no places especially created to serve as dungeons, neither does
the suffering that a human being may experience through being in the
inferior astral last eternally.

But according to what you say, it is correct that the “bad ones” end up
on an inferior astral and that they suffer there, isn ́t it?

Yes. But not all of those on the inferior astral are necessarily “bad ”
neither does everyone “suffer”. Also the term “bad” is inexact. It would
be better to call those spirits stragglers, as they have only made
progress in intelligence, but little in love. As I have said previously,
primitive spirits live on the inferior astral, in the first stages of spiritual
evolution as individualised beings and with free will. These primitive
spirits do not mix with the stragglers but rather, being in the same band,
group themselves according to their vibratory affinity, living in zones
separate from each other. But the primitive spirits are not unfortunate
through being on the inferior astral, because it is the habitat that
adapts itself to their level. It is the straggler spirits that suffer, because
although they don ́t give love, they are more sensitive to perceiving it
than the primitive spirits and suffer on sensing an absence of love. They
suffer through living in the company of other beings that are as egoistic
as they are. They suffer because they glimpse a better life, and they
know that their painful situation is owing to their misuse of their free will,
for acting against others.

I find it hard to imagine what you are saying.
So that you can understand the difference between what a straggler
spirit and a primitive spirit feels on an inferior astral I will use an example
from your world. Imagine the difference between how a primate and
a western man feels when abandoned in the jungle. Whilst the primate
will live perfectly happily and be integrated in a jungle, a western man,
used to the comforts of civilised life, living in the jungle will be a torment
and he will have a very bad time.

Why does the inferior astral exist, if it is such a horrible place?
Because in the Universe there is a place for all beings, from the most
primitive up to the most advanced, and on each planet at a similar
level to yours, the inferior astral is the home of those beings still taking
their first steps in learning about feelings. You also need to take into
account that it is not a place specifically created for spirits that have
acted against the law of love. And if it is so horrible, it is because they

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