(avery) #1

themselves have created the conditions for these places in which they
live to be suffocating, because of the joint vibration that they give out
from their own spiritual baseness, in the same way as a natural area
may be converted into a real rubbish tip when colonists who come to
inhabit that region have little respect for the environment.

Now that we are talking about the spirits from the inferior astral, I am
curious: does the Demon or the Devil exist?

No entity dedicated to causing evil forever exists and even less with
powers of destruction so omnipotent that they are attributed to that
supposed Devil. The entities that inhabit the inferior astral are spirits that
have advanced very little in feelings. And as I have said, this may be
because they are still young spirits or because now having become
more or less old, they have advanced little in developing feelings.
Although there are spirits in the inferior astral that may be very
intelligent and have used this intelligence to hurt other spirits, if they
have not yet developed their feelings, they are not wise, because
wisdom derives from the knowledge of feeling and they are wretched,
because they live in egoism and do not know happiness. The envy of
the wisdom and happiness that they sense have been attained by the
spirits that have overcome egoism and know love, urges them to
impede the spiritual progress of their incarnate brothers and sisters with
all their might, so that they will not manage to enjoy the happiness that
stems from love either. As the saying goes: “Evil for many is the
consolation of fools”. So they organise themselves with the aim of
obstructing the progress of the disincarnate and bringing supporters
into their ranks. But their capacity to act against incarnate beings is
quite limited, unless the incarnate beings allow themselves to be
influenced by them through their own actions. Their expansion is also
limited to the lowest vibratory bands, because in order to reach higher
bands, they should love and as they refuse to do this, they confine
themselves to that level. Then, they have the problem of being in
constant battles between rival factions , because as a result of their
egoism, “they all want to be the boss”. But sooner or later, these spirits
will get tired of being “bad”, because they are extremely unhappy
and endeavour to get out of this situation. That is when they are
rescued by spirits from higher levels that have first-aid posts in areas
close to these inhospitable regions.

When we talked about astral travel, you told me that, once you are
liberated from your body, as an incarnate spirit, you can travel to
wherever your thoughts lead you, almost instantly.

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