(avery) #1

And what is the astral body?
The astral body is a body whose appearance is similar to that of the
human body, but is of a luminous and semitransparent appearance. It
is actually composed of a gasenergetic fluid, which stems from a
combination of four pure gases, helium, argon, xenon and krypton
energised by the high vibration light that comes from the sun. The astral
body in an incarnate human is superimposed onto the physical body
and is intimately connected to it, so that it inter-penetrates each and
every one of the cells in the organism and provides it with the vital
energy that it needs. The function of the pure gases is to be the
material carriers of that energy which cannot be directly absorbed by
the physical body. In other words, the gaseous molecules capture the
vital energy from the sun, increasing its vibration, and then transmit it to
the body, reducing its vibratory rate. When a spirit is going to
incarnate, the astral body of the spirit binds to the recently fertilised
ovum. This astral body constitutes a pattern for the development and
the formation of the human body from the zygote to the adult - it will
even will transfer a part of the individual genetic charge of the spirit to
the zygote.

Well, I thought that 100% of genetic inheritance came from the
progenitors, and 50% from each parent.

The parents’ inheritance contributes 90% of the genetic charge and
the incarnating spirit contributes the remaining 10%, through the
genetic configuration of the astral body. This is the main mechanism
through which evolution of the species takes place, because in each
generation the incarnating spirits embody into the physical body a part
of the modifications that they have incorporated into their astral
bodies, which are in turn the consequence of the modifications of the
mental and spiritual bodies that have been taking place as a result of
their evolutionary progress.

Could you explain to me a little more about the structure of the astral
body and how its connection to the physical body occurs?

Yes, the astral body is structured into 7 layers, each one vibrating on a
different frequency range and that is why each one is associated with
a different colour and with different functions of the physical body. Its
structure is similar to an electrical network, its objective being to fully
provide vital energy to the body and it is composed of countless
cables or filaments (called nadis in the east), which group together at
certain points in bundles of filaments called meridians, through which
the major flows of energy pass. There are 7 main energy centres, which

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