(avery) #1

oriental medicine calls chakras, located along the spinal column. The
main chakra is situated in the solar plexus, at the end of the sternum. Its
function is to capture and distribute vital energy to the other six main
chakras. Each one of them represents the connection of each layer of
the astral body with the physical body. For more details of the
configuration of the astral body and the connection between layers,
chakras and organs, I recommend the book “Man, cosmic cell” from
the Atzlan group.

You said that the astral body is luminous and semitransparent in
appearance. So can it be seen?

With proper training you can see the energy of the astral body that
protrudes from the physical body, which is commonly known as the
aura. There are people who have naturally developed this capacity.
When the being is detached from the physical body, we can
appreciate that, in its entirety, it really does resemble a human body,
but is luminous and semitransparent in appearance. This is what is
normally seen when people say that they have seen a loved one who
has recently died. The aura can also be detected and its oscillations
measured by means of certain devices. For further information on this
topic I recommend the books by Barbara Ann Brennan, Doctor in
atmospheric physics, who worked for NASA as a researcher. She is one
of the researchers who began to scientifically prove to your world the
existence of the astral body, which she calls the Human Energy Field

Is it true that the evolutionary level of a person can be determined by
the colours of the aura?

Yes. The more advanced beings have a broader and brighter aura.
Beings who act against the law of love have a dull aura, in other
words, the colours are opaque and cloudy, each colour being mixed
with black. Emotional depression and illness also diminish the brightness
of the aura.

And what is the mental body? And the spiritual body?
I won’t go into detail regarding the configuration of these bodies now,
because it would confuse you. The most important thing is that the
mental body is the seat of thought, whereas the spiritual body is the
seat of conscience, will and feeling. Later on we will delve deeper into
the development of feelings and the relationships established between
thoughts and feelings, as they are the key to the process of spiritual

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