(avery) #1

Your reasoning is correct for spirits that have already reached a certain
evolutionary level, but not for the less advanced spirits, for whom too
much information could hinder their development, through not
knowing how to use this knowledge properly. As you continue to
evolve and exert yourself to discover this knowledge, so then this
knowledge will become accessible.

You will have to give me an example so that I can understand what
you mean, because I still don ́t see how the memories of past lives can
hinder the evolution of a being.

All right! Imagine that you were a murderer in a past life and you, as
well as the other spirits who lived with you, remember your misdeeds.
You have now reflected upon the harm that you did and aim to make
amends in the new life that you have begun. Imagine you reincarnate
amongst the people who lived with you in your past life and who
remember what you did. Under those circumstances, you would be
marked by your past. You would undoubtedly be constantly treated
with contempt by the people who remember that you were a
murderer. Most of them would not yet be sufficiently advanced
spiritually to understand that we have all made mistakes in the past
and that we all need countless opportunities in order to reform. There
may be some people who would want to get even with you and take
revenge for unsettled matters in the past. Likewise, under the pressure
of that environment, you might torture yourself emotionally or even
worse, take revenge on those oppressing you and start committing
criminal activities again. Therefore, far from achieving an
improvement, it would be condemning you to spiritual stagnation.

And how would forgetting about past lives benefit us?
You can consider it as though you had been taken into a witness
protection programme. In this programme, the protected witnesses,
former criminals that wish to collaborate with the Law, in order to avoid
reprisals from their old colleagues, are given a new identity, a new job
in a different place, so that they can start a new life away from
danger, with the objective of reinstating themselves into society. In this
case, this new identity is obtained through reincarnation and forgetting
past lives.

And should it always be like that, I mean, will we never be able to
remember what we did in past lives while we are incarnate, without
having to wait until death?

Never, no. In fact, as I mentioned at the beginning, some people do
have sporadic memories of other lives, especially during their

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