(avery) #1

of topic that interests those people who do not have good intentions.
But if you enter forums that promise that you will get rich effortlessly or
to find a partner chosen from a catalogue, you can be sure that
nothing good will come of it. Likewise, whether you are a medium or
not, you will attract the influence of more or less elevated spirits
through the affinity of your thoughts and interactions with them. In
other words, a person who likes gambling and betting will attract the
influence of gambling spirits who have not been able to give up get
their addiction after dying and they will encourage the person’s
addiction to gambling to satisfy their own expectations. On the other
hand, if you wish to help other people, you will attract the influence of
beneficent spirits that will help you to achieve your objectives.
Consequently, the best guarantee for making contact with elevated or
well-intentioned spirits is the sincere will to use these communications
for the spiritual improvement of ourselves and others. The elevation of
feeling and thought generates in the medium an elevated vibratory
level which impedes the interference of spirits with low vibrations that
do not have good intentions.

But is it not possible that some people, whether they are mediums or
not, could fall victim to the influence of negative spirits and although
they want to change, they are not able to get back on the right track
because of that influence?

No. It depends on us to follow one path or another. It may be difficult
to free ourselves from villainous old companions who will try to maintain
their influence so that they don’t lose their victim, but they can do no
more than our own free will will allow, because otherwise that would
be an infringement of the law of free will of everyone. Besides, as I
have said before, we all have a personal spirit guide, a highly evolved
being that is our spiritual tutor and protector. Religion calls it “the
guardian angel”. This being alone has more power than all the inferior
spirits put together, and is always at our disposal to orientate us and to
stimulate us to follow the right path. This being could easily remove the
less advanced spirits that bother us out of our way at the stroke of a
feather. But very often most people don’t want this help, and out of
respect for their free will, the “guardian angels” step aside expectantly,
allowing their pupils to seek the company they want, and wait for the
moment when they are willing to listen again. There are also other
beings that stay with us to help us, although they are not so evolved,
such as loved ones, or relatives and friends who have already died or
other beneficent spirits that, although unknown to us, dedicate
themselves to helping whoever needs it. But once again, if the person

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