(avery) #1

the second case it is totally the contrary. The illness is fought against,
but through generating life, not destroying it, and this is always positive.
You should know that, at any rate, you must always help whoever
needs it, without taking into consideration who they are or what they
have done. The knowledge of where the painful circumstances which
affect the human being come from and which appear
incomprehensible to you is given to you so that you understand. This
understanding gives you strength to help whoever needs it, not so that
you are inhibited from helping whoever needs it, with the argument
that they deserve it for the evil that they did in another life.

And in the case of an in vitro fertilization outside the mother ́s body,
what happens to the fertilized ova that are not going to be implanted?

Don ́t worry, no spirit remains connected to frozen embryos. In these
cases of external fertilization, the spirit is incorporated when the
embryo is implanted in the uterus to be developed; because if the
embryo has no possibility of being developed, the spirit will simply not
be incorporated. Although, if the fertilization is external or through
artificial insemination, the possibility that beings that are more spiritually
advanced than their parents incarnate is lost.

Because for this to happen, it is necessary for the spirits that form the
couple to love each other, which generates, during the sexual
intercourse of conception, an energetic accumulation of high
vibration, love vibration, which at this moment permits the conception
of a much more advanced spirit of high vibration.

When do spirits lose consciousness and memory of their spiritual past?
This doesn’t happen in a sudden and traumatic way, but rather what
occurs is that the spirit enters into a progressive lethargy, like a
drowsiness, which can start during the gestation process. Less
advanced spirits quickly fall into that lethargic state. More advanced
spirits have more spiritual autonomy and lose consciousness later on
and are able to keep their liberty until the moment they are born and
don’t totally lose it until they have lived through a few years of

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