(avery) #1

harmony with their evolutionary level, just like you change school to
follow secondary school education after completing the last course of
primary school. It can also occur that at certain times the
circumstances of the planets are very favourable and allow spirits to
put their aptitudes to the test and accelerate their evolutionary
progress. This occurs when a large number of spirits on a planet are
ready to make a collective evolutionary leap. The entire planet needs
to be restructured to adapt itself to the needs of incarnate spirits in that
new phase. When a planet is experiencing circumstances of this kind,
many spirits originating from other planets of a similar evolutionary level
feel attracted to it and ask to incarnate there in order to be able to
experience such circumstances and use them for their spiritual

And what kind of circumstances are so attractive to spirits of other

It so happens that your planet is approaching a possible change of
level. It could move up from being a third level planet to become a
fourth level planet. This could happen if enough spirits become aware
of the destiny of the spirit, of their immortality, of the fact that we are all
brothers and sisters and that we incarnate to evolve spiritually, to learn
how to love and to detach ourselves from egoism, this being the cause
of all the ills on the planet. These spirits will work towards establishing a
new way of doing things on Earth, based on love, and this will transform
the world at all levels: social, economical, political... But at the same
time, there is a multitude of spirits that don’t want to renounce their
egoism, such as the powerful people who rule the world and who
don’t want anything to change. That is because they don’t want to
relinquish their power and their material wealth, which is based on the
oppression of their brothers and sisters, and they will oppose with all
their might the first group ́s attempts at reform. Each spirit will have to
make a decision: either to fight for love or fight for egoism and work
hard for the choice they have made. This is the exceptional
circumstance, the extraordinary opportunity for the spirits that have
opted for the side of love to progress, because they will have to
confront a multitude of obstacles: lack of comprehension, calumny,
and violence from those spirits that still hold on to egoism, and will
endeavour by every means possible to get them to give up their
objective. If, in spite of all the attacks, humiliation, and all kinds of
aggression, they are still able to continue believing in love, they will be
one step closer to the great objective of the spirit, which is to be
capable of loving unconditionally.

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