(avery) #1

the process of individual and collective spiritual evolution.
Consequently, they put all their effort into attaining the spiritual
advancement of each one of their inhabitants and the whole of their
humanity. Hence all norms, laws, forms of government and the
management of resources are based upon the law of love and the
other spiritual laws. As a result, there is no expression of individual or
collective forms of hatred or egoism, nor any kind of violence or any
kind of abuse of some beings towards others. So there are no wars, no
terrorism, no crime of any type, no murders, no prostitution, no
kidnapping, no dictatorships, no militarism, and no slavery, because
they all consider themselves as brothers and sisters.

That seems like a utopia. How have they achieved this?
Because they have come to the conclusion that egoism only leads to
destruction and suffering and that the only way to be truly happy is to
love. So they have poured all their energy into developing love and
progressively eliminating egoism from their hearts. As a result of this,
they have transformed their worlds into harmonious homes in which to
live. But don’t think that it has been a bed of roses to get to this point,
they have also had to experience a costly process of evolution. They
have had to suffer the consequences of their egoistic attitudes and
had to face vicissitudes similar to yours. The difference between some
worlds and others is how quickly they have understood that the path of
egoism and lack of love leads nowhere.

And what can you tell me about their government and political and
economic structure?

Normally each planet has one common planetary government. There
are no divisions between countries or nations with independent
governments, although each region maintains its historical peculiarities
and there are autonomous governments that are integrated into the
structure of the planetary government.
The state controls and manages the means of production in
accordance with the needs of the inhabitants of the planet in order to
achieve common wellbeing. In other words, there are no private
enterprises, because there are no private interests that benefit a few
people to the detriment of others. Hence there is no need for
promotion of excessive consumption of products through publicity to
maintain company profits. Although there are ways of measuring the
value of effort - that correspond to the amount of work time spent on
it, which serve to purchase certain material assets - money as such as
something that has an independent value does not exist. Therefore, all
activities intended to make profits through any kind of speculative

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