(avery) #1

financial business, such as banks, stock markets etc. have been
eliminated. Owing to this, the economy is extraordinarily stable, as
there is no inflation, no devaluation or appreciation of the currency, no
increases or decreases of interest rates, simply because the concept of
interest does not exist. If the cost of some products varies, it depends
solely on the availability of the resources to produce them. As these
societies have a great capacity for farsightedness, they have been
able to free themselves from the dependency on certain raw materials
and exhaustible energy sources. They take very good care of the
environment and have gradually been adopting renewable non-
contaminating energy sources. They produce very little waste, almost
100% of which is recycled.
On a social level everybody, through the mere fact of existing, has
certain minimum rights which are unshakeable, such as the right to
have food, a dwelling place, education and work. Therefore there is
no hunger, no homelessness, no mortgages, no poverty, no
unemployment and no lack of schooling. The material standard of
living of the inhabitants is quite comfortable and very similar for every
individual and in all regions throughout the planet. As there is no
egoism, there is no urge in the inhabitants of these planets to
accumulate wealth or material properties.

And what work do they do, if indeed they do work?
They mainly work in education and scientific and technological
research for the common good, to improve as much as possible the
standard of living of all inhabitants in all areas, in order to promote
individual and collective spiritual evolution. The heaviest physical jobs
in the primary and secondary sectors, namely agriculture and industry,
have been totally automated and in these cases the professionals’
task is to supervise the production processes. The working days are
much shorter than on your planet, although more productive because
nobody is doing unpleasant jobs or jobs that don’t suit their vocation.
At the same time, no one is idle or lives off the work of others, as all the
people enjoy contributing to the common wellbeing with their work.
Certain jobs that exist on Earth dedicated to buying and selling, such
as salesmen or publicists, don’t exist, as this particular type of society
avoids the need to promote products. They only produce what is
necessary, with everyone taking their corresponding part without the
need for pressure to consume more or less. Consequently, there is no
fashion, and consumption habits are not updated arbitrarily, but rather
when there are better products that help to improve health and the
inner and outer wellbeing of the inhabitants. Once all superfluous
activities have been eliminated, societies advance very rapidly, both

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