(avery) #1

Right, but reality shows that most people on our planet don’t act freely,
instead they oblige themselves or they are obliged to do many things
they don’t want to.

Exactly. That is what happens in your world. This law is constantly
violated due to the poor evolution of the majority of its inhabitants,
who still don’t know or don’t want to respect that law, because in
order to respect free will they must renounce egoism. As a result, one
of the objectives of spiritual learning is to learn to respect other
people’s free will, but to also demand that their own free will is

Do you mean to say that the law of free will is known and respected by
the inhabitants of other more advanced worlds?

That’s right, because it is a universal spiritual law. And their worlds are
much happier than yours precisely because they put a lot of emphasis
on respecting free will, as well as the rest of the spiritual laws.

Well they could come and show us the secret of their happiness.
Precisely because advanced spirits know, respect and follow the law
of free will, they are very careful not to violate this law, especially when
concerning interference in worlds inhabited by less advanced spirits.
Although there is no intention to harm, excess interference can create
a dependency of the less advanced spirits or civilisations on the more
advanced ones and this would cause evolutionary stagnation on the
receiving planet. That is why any help that is given, both from the
spiritual plane as well as from spiritually advanced physical worlds, to
less advanced worlds is always very subtle, and never against the will
of the actual being or beings who need help, because otherwise this
would be coercing their free will. It is determined that all beings in
question manifest their will to evolve and receive help.

I still don’t quite understand exactly where the problem lies. Could you
give me an example so that I can understand?

All right. Imagine that an inhabitant of an advanced world arrives on
Earth and you recognise his high evolution and decide to let him
govern the planet to solve all your problems. Based on his knowledge
of the spiritual laws and just like on his own planet of origin, where
respect for other beings of inferior evolution has led them to follow a
vegetarian diet and not to hurt any animal, he decides to promote
animal protection laws that prohibit, amongst other things, hunting,
bullfighting and meat consumption. Would humanity on Earth be
willing to give up such habits?

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