(avery) #1

Well, I don’t know. I suppose there would be people in favour and
people against it.

In the current state of humanity, and being very generous, more than
80% would be against these measures. There would be extremely
violent protests and revolts all over the planet to stop compliance with
that new law. Faced with this dilemma, what should the extraterrestrial
leader do? Renounce his own convictions to please the people, or on
the contrary impose the laws in spite of the opposition of the majority?
If he opted for the first decision he would be violating his own free will,
by having to do things that go against his own will. If he chose the
second option, he would be violating the free will of the people, by
imposing a law that goes against their will.

So this is a dilemma without a possible solution.
Yes, there is a solution, and it is what is given. This solution is that there
are no evolved people governing your world. If advanced beings
don’t occupy actual government positions in worlds such as yours, it is
simply because the majority of you don’t want them to be in
command, nor do you wish to accept the changes that they propose.
Neither do they wish to impose their will over yours, because they know
that there is no point in using force. In the history of your planet, there
have been numerous cases of more or less honest people who
succeeded in occupying high positions of power and tried to change
things for the better. And what happened? They lasted a very short
time. The people around them eliminated them. That is why elevated
spirits only give advice, preach through example without imposing,
and then individuals decide whatever suits them best.

What would be the practical results of applying the law of free will on
Earth if, as happens in other more advanced worlds, there were a
decision to abide by it?

The disappearance of any form of slavery, coercion, oppression,
manipulation, and harm from some human beings towards others.
An advanced being would never violate the right to life of other
beings. So wars, the death penalty, murder and abortion would
disappear, because all those practices violate the right to life of other
Any form of ill-treatment or sexual abuse against children and adults
would disappear. Therefore pederasty, rape, prostitution, and any
other form of sexual practice whereby the will of other human beings is
forced or coerced, would disappear, especially in the cases of weaker
and defenceless beings.

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