ل ْلـ َي ْو ِمُّ ُكـ kullu l-yawmi, the whole day, all day long
ل ْلـ َو ْق ِتُُّكـ kullu l-waqti, the whole time, all the time
(c) When لٌّ ُك without an article or nunation is followed by a definite
noun in the genitive plural, it means ‘all’, e.g.
ل ْلـ َح َي َوا َنا ِتُّ ُكـ kullu l-h
ayawa ̄na ̄ti, all the animals
ل اْل ُب ُيو ِتُّ ُكـ kullu l-buyu ̄ti, all the houses
(d) When لٌّ ُك is indefinite (having nunation) and followed by the
preposition ِم ْن min ‘from’, i.e. ل ِم ْنٌّ ُكـ, it has the meaning ‘each
(one) of (a group)’, e.g.
لا ِبَّ طُّ ل ِم َن لٌُّكـ kullun mina t
ulla ̄bi, each (one) of the students
(e) When the definite article َأْ لـ.. is attached to لٌّ ُكـ as لُّ َأْل ُك, it becomes
an independent (pro)noun which means ‘everyone, everything, the
whole thing’, e.g.
لَّ َشا َه ْد ُت ْلـ ُكـ sˇa ̄hadtu l-kulla. I saw everything (the whole thing).
24.8 ِك َلا kila ̄ (masc.), ِكْل َتا kilta ̄ (fem.)
These two words mean ‘both, both of them, each one of the two’. They
are used in the
a ̄fah construction preceding a dual noun which is
definite and in the genitive case, or preceding a dual suffix pronoun.
The following predicative adjective or verb is, nevertheless, in the
singular. Both ِك َلا kila ̄ and ِكْل َتا kilta ̄ are indeclinable before nouns,
but declinable before a suffix pronoun.
Note: ِك َلا kila ̄ is likely to be from ِك َلا ِن kila ̄-ni, and ِكْل َتا kilta ̄ from ِكْل َتا ِن
kilta ̄-ni (see chapter 13 on the elision of the final ...ـن of the dual).
Masculine Feminine
يٌّ ِك َلا ْلـ َخ ِبي َر ْي ِن َأ ْج َن ِب ي ٌةَِّكْل َتا ْلـ َخ ِبي َر َت ْي ِن َأ ْج َن ِب
kila ̄ l-h
- rayni
ag ̆nabiyyun. (sing.) kilta ̄ l-h
- rtayni
ag ̆nabiyyatun. (sing.)
Both experts are foreigners.
(lit. Each one of the two experts is a foreigner.)