French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1
Demonstratives 89

Demonstratives in the text


a The meaning of the demonstrative adjective is ‘this’ or ‘that’ (singular), ‘these’ or ‘those’

b The demonstrative adjective occurs only before a noun, or before an adjective which is itself
qualifying a noun, e.g. ce coupon(line 63). It is never found separate from a noun. (But see
Discover more about demonstratives, 2f,below, for literary use of the pronoun ce.)

a The forms of the demonstrative adjective are:

singular plural
masc. ce, cet ces
fem. cette ces

b The masculine singular form which occurs before a word beginning with a consonant or
aspirate ‘h’ is ce, e.g. ce coupon(line 63). For the use of cet, see Discover more about
demonstratives, 1a, below.

c The plural form cesis used before both masculine words and feminine words, e.g. before the
feminine ces techniques(line 27). The form cettesdoes notexist.


a The demonstrative pronouns celui, celle(s)and ceuxfrequently refer to a specific noun with
which they must agree in number and gender, e.g. celui de(line 41), referring back to le moyen
and celle de(line 50), referring back to une chance. In such cases, they mean ‘this/that (one)’.
They are often found followed by de, as in these examples.

b These same pronouns are also frequently found introducing relative clauses (see Chapter 11),
e.g. ceux qui gagnent(heading). In such cases they mean ‘those (people)’/‘the one(s) who’.

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