French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1
Prepositions 191

Compound prepositions are also used with infinitives. These include afin de, avant de, à moins
de(see also Chapter 29).


Where English has a preposition i.e. in/on to indicate the day, time of day or date, French does
not use a preposition, e.g. (le) lundi, le soir, le lundi soir, le 8 septembre.


The use of French prepositions can be particularly idiomaticand is frequently a source of error
amongst English speakers as there are so many faux amis. The foolproof answer is to learn them

See for further information: Coffman Crocker, pp. 70–87
Ferrar, pp. 250–1, 277–87
Hawkins and Towell, pp. 317–49
Judge and Healey, pp. 321–38
L’Huillier, pp. 354–83
Price, pp. 502–39
Turk and Vandaele, pp. 3, 269–76


1 Complete the following sentences with the correct prepositions indicating place/direction
(à/au, dans, de, en, par, sur).
a J’ai mis le pain __ la corbeille __ la table.
b Il vient __ Genève __ Suisse.
c Elle habite __ Bretagne.
d Au retour je passerai __ Londres.
e Je vais __ la boulangerie.
f Ces arbres se trouvent __ Afrique.
g Ce vol va __ Paris __ Ankara.
h Les Pyrénées sont situées __ France et __ Espagne.
i Elle part en vacances __ Agadir ___ Maroc.
j Ils ont vécu __ la France de l’après-guerre.

2 Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition of time (à, après, dans, depuis,
en, jusqu’à, à partir de).
a __ un an j’aurai mon diplôme.
b __ 1944 les Forces Alliées ont libéré la France.
c Le train part __ 15.00 heures.

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