French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1

This book developed from collaborative work undertaken some years ago under the auspices of
the Association for French Language Studies Grammar Initiative. We gratefully acknowledge the
impetus and support given to our work by AFLS. We are also grateful to Lesley Riddle of Edward
Arnold for helping us to refocus and extend our earlier work with a view to publication, and to
an unidentified reader selected by Edward Arnold for commenting on a first draft of the present
work. In producing the original three AFLS Brochures Grammaire, we worked with two
colleagues, Carol Chapman of the University of Liverpool, and the late Geneviève Wilkinson of
the University of Hull.

Every effort has been made to trace and acknowledge the owners of copyright. The publishers
will be glad to make suitable arrangements with any copyright holders whom it has not been
possible to contact.

The authors and publisher would like to thank the following for permission to use copyright
material in this book:

Label France: Corinne Tonarelli, ‘La Provence, terre de lumière’, no. 24, June 1996 and Mélina
Gazsi, ‘Cent ans de laïcité à la française’, no. 60, 2005; Éditions Gallimard© Albert Camus,
L’Étranger, ‘J’ai retourné ma chaise’, 1957, André Malraux, La Condition Humaine, ‘L’auto de
Chang-Kaï-shek’, 1946, Jacques Prévert, ‘Le Dromadaire mécontent’, ‘Contes pour les enfants pas
sages’ in Histoires et autres histoires, 1963, and Simone de Beauvoir, Mémoires d’une jeune fille
rangée, ‘La plupart des garçons que je connaissais’, Collection Folio, 1958, Raymond Queneau,
Exercises de style, 1947,; Société Nouvelle des Éditions Pauvert: Jehanne Jean-
Charles, Les plumes du corbeau, ‘Cet après-midi, j’ai poussé’, 1962; Methuen Educational Ltd:
R. Vailland, Un jeune homme seul, ‘Michel Favart, l’ingénieur’, 1985, Claire Etcherelli, Élise ou la
vraie vie, ‘Je cherchai Arezki’, ed. J. Roach, 1985 and Paul Éluard, ‘Ma morte vivante’, Anthologie
Éluard, ed. C. Scott, 1983; Libération: ‘Le temps aujourd’hui, région par région’, 28 October 1996,
J.-C. Schmitt, ‘Un mythe composite’, 9 February 1994, Éric Jozsef, ‘Votre diplôme n’est pas
valable’, 11 March 2002, © Marion Chaudru, Libération Voyages, 2 April 2013 and Libération
Quotidien, Kara Walker and Sean James Rose, ‘Le besoin cathartique de faire un retour en arrière’,
31 July 2007; InfoMatin: ‘Enfant d’une secte’, 29–30 December 1995; Regards: Daniel Le Scornet,
‘Aujourd’hui, une catégorie entière de la population française’, 22 December 1995; Service M:
‘Donnez-moi un quart d’heure le soir’; Éditions de Minuit: Alain Robbe-Grillet, Djinn, ‘De
nouveau, la méfiance’, ‘Ensuite Jean m’a offert’, ‘Mais non, se dit-il’, ‘Tout cela paraissait absurde’
and ‘Comment t’appelles-tu?’, 1981; Le Monde: Thomas Ferenczi, ‘Faits divers’, 17 November 1984


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