Native American Herbal, Plant Knowledge

(Martin Jones) #1
INDIAN TACOS -- Sure-seller at Powwows

Indian tacos for powwows, school feasts
This is sauce recipes. Taco sauce is spread over a large flat frybread topped with shredded
lettuce and cheese. 3 versions are given, one made with hamburger, one with chicken or
turkey, one vegan (vegetarian).
Figure ingredients based on how many you will serve or think you will sell. As well as Indian
tacos, you can sell fry breads by themselves, with a berry pudding-sauce (wojapi) over it,
and if you sell a soup or stew, a small one with each bowl. This amount of taco sauce is
about right for 8-10 flat fry breads, so multiply everything accordingly.
Burger taco sauce--enough for 8-10 frybreads

Hamburger version:
1 lb hamburger
1 large onion minced
2 small cans tomato paste
1 big can tomatoes
1 tsp basil
1/2 tsp oregano
salt, pepper, chile powder to taste
: 1 head iceberg lettuce shredded
1/2 lb cheese grated coarse
On the counter:
bowl of fine-chopped onion
bowl of mild green chiles chopped up fine
Fry onion and hamburger broken up loose. Sprinkle some salt and chile powder over it. Add
tomato paste and 4 cans of water and the canned tomatoes and their juice -- break up
tomatoes and stir it around. Taste for seasoning. Simmer till meat and onions are done and
sauce is thick, 30 - 40 minutes. Assembling: put the flat fry bread on a paper plate and
spread sauce over it (don't be stingy). Put a handful of cheese on it and top with a handful of
shredded lettuce. People add their own choices of chopped raw onion, chiles (and maybe
some other favorites) from the bowls. In some areas, the culture favors the addition of hot
chiles to this sauce (not in ours).

Chicken (or other bird) version: make it when you want broth and some meat for a wild rice
soup-stew too. Roast or stew chickens, turkeys or ducks. Remove meat from bones. Boil
bones, wings, backs with onions, carrots to make broth for wild rice soup/stew. Dice meat
from fowl and use in place of hamburger to make taco sauce.

Vegan (vegetarian) taco sauce--enough for 8 -10 tacos

1 large onion chopped

Native Foods -- Recipes--Indian Tacos (1 of 2) [5/17/2004 11:55:07 AM]

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