Intermediate Knitting Projects chapter 15
Before working the trim, you need to join the shoulders. Use the three-needle
bind-off method to graft shoulder seams, as described here. (See page 146 for more
1 With RS together, place the 16 (19, 21, 24) sts from the left front shoulder onto
a size 6 dpn, and do the same for the 16 (19, 21, 24) sts from the left back
shoulder; then hold the needles parallel to one another.
2 Insert a third dpn into the first st on the first needle as if to knit, then into the
first st on the second needle as if to knit, and k the 2 sts as 1.
3 Rep step 2; there should now be 2 sts on the right needle.
4 Pass the first st on the right needle over the second and off.
5 Continue to rep steps 3 and 4, knitting the corresponding sts of each shoulder
together and binding off as you go, until 1 st rem on the right needle.
6 Cut yarn, pull it through the last st, and secure.
7 Rep steps 1–6 for the right shoulder.
1 With size 6 circular needle and A, beg at lower edge of right front, pick up and
k30 (32, 37, 43) sts up to beg neck shaping, then pick up and k25 (30, 32, 35)
sts up to shoulder seam, then k18 (20, 23, 24) sts from holder for back neck,
then pick up and k25 (30, 32, 35) sts down left neck, then k30 (32, 37, 43) sts
down to lower left edge—128 (144, 161, 180) sts.
2 Work buttonhole row (WS): K0 (2, 3, 1), k2tog, yo, k5 (5, 6, 8), k2tog, yo; rep
from three more times, k to end.
3 Knit 2 rows.
4 BO sts knitwise.