Teach Yourself Visually Knitting

(Michael S) #1

Abbreviation Meaning

opp opposite

oz ounce

p purl

p1b purl into back of stitch

p2sso pass 2 slipped stitches over

p2tog purl 2 stitches together

p3tog purl 3 stitches together

pat; patt pattern

pfb purl into front and back of stitch

pm place marker

prev previous

psso pass slipped stitch over

p tbl purl through back of loop

pu pick up

pwise purlwise

RC right cross

rem remain; remaining

rep(s) repeat(s)

rev reverse

rev St st reverse stockinette stitch

RH right-hand

rib ribbing

rnd(s) round(s)

RS right side

RT right twist

sc single crochet

sel; selv selvage

sk skip

skp; skpo slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over

sl slip

Learning to Read Written Instructions chapter 6

Abbreviation Meaning
sl st slip(ped) stitch
sm small
sp space
ssk slip, slip, knit
ssp slip, slip, purl
st(s) stitch(es)
St st stockinette stitch
TB twist back
tbl through back of loop(s)
t-ch turning chain
TF twist front
tog together
tr treble (crochet)
wpi wraps per inch
WS wrong side
wyib with yarn in back
wyif with yarn in front
yb; ybk yarn at back
yd(s) yard(s)
yf; yfwd yarn forward
yo yarn over
yo2 yarn over twice
yrn yarn around needle
* repeat starting point
** same as *, but used to separate *
instructions from the new instructions
( ) alternate measurements and/or
[ ] instructions that are to be worked as a
group the specified number of times

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