Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

lest they be made bold to eat what was offered to the idol, not as common food, but as a sacrifice,
and thereby be guilty of idolatry. He who has the Spirit of Christ in him, will love those whom
Christ loved so as to die for them. Injuries done to Christians, are done to Christ; but most of all,
the entangling them in guilt: wounding their consciences, is wounding him. We should be very
tender of doing any thing that may occasion stumbling to others, though it may be innocent in itself.
And if we must not endanger other men's souls, how much should we take care not to destroy our
own! Let Christians beware of approaching the brink of evil, or the appearance of it, though many
do this in public matters, for which perhaps they plead plausibly. Men cannot thus sin against their
brethren, without offending Christ, and endangering their own souls.

Chapter 9

Chapter Outline
The apostle shows his authority, and asserts (1–14)
his right to be maintained.
He waved this part of his Christian liberty, (15–23)
for the good of others.
He did all this, with care and diligence, in (24–27)
view of an unfading crown.

Verses 1–14

It is not new for a minister to meet with unkind returns for good-will to a people, and diligent
and successful services among them. To the cavils of some, the apostle answers, so as to set forth
himself as an example of self-denial, for the good of others. He had a right to marry as well as other
apostles, and to claim what was needful for his wife, and his children if he had any, from the
churches, without labouring with his own hands to get it. Those who seek to do our souls good,
should have food provided for them. But he renounced his right, rather than hinder his success by
claiming it. It is the people's duty to maintain their minister. He may wave his right, as Paul did;
but those transgress a precept of Christ, who deny or withhold due support.

Verses 15–23

It is the glory of a minister to deny himself, that he may serve Christ and save souls. But when
a minister gives up his right for the sake of the gospel, he does more than his charge and office
demands. By preaching the gospel, freely, the apostle showed that he acted from principles of zeal
and love, and thus enjoyed much comfort and hope in his soul. And though he looked on the
ceremonial law as a yoke taken off by Christ, yet he submitted to it, that he might work upon the
Jews, do away their prejudices, prevail with them to hear the gospel, and win them over to Christ.
Though he would transgress no laws of Christ, to please any man, yet he would accommodate
himself to all men, where he might do it lawfully, to gain some. Doing good was the study and

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