Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verses 19–29

In the midst of his wickedness, Saul affected to speak the language of piety. Such expressions,
without suitable effects, can only amuse or deceive those who hear, and those who use them. This
mountain was an emblem of the Divine Providence coming between David and the destroyer. Let
us not be dismayed at the prospect of future difficulties, but stay ourselves upon Him who is
wonderful in counsel and excellent in working. Sooner than his promise shall fail, he will commission
Philistines to effect our escape, at the very moment when our case appears most desperate. God
requires entire dependence on him, If ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be established, Isa 7:9.

Chapter 24

Chapter Outline
David spares Saul's life. (1–7)
David shows his innocence. (8–15)
Saul acknowledges his fault. (16–22)

Verses 1–7

God delivered Saul into David's hand. It was an opportunity given to David to exercise faith
and patience. He had a promise of the kingdom, but no command to slay the king. He reasons
strongly, both with himself and with his men, against doing Saul any hurt. Sin is a thing which it
becomes us to startle at, and to resist temptations thereto. He not only would not do this bad thing
himself, but he would not suffer those about him to do it. Thus he rendered good for evil, to him
from whom he received evil for good; and was herein an example to all who are called Christians,
not to be overcome of evil, but to overcome evil with good.

Verses 8–15

David was falsely charged with seeking Saul's hurt; he shows Saul that God's providence had
given him opportunity to do it. And it was upon a good principle that he refused to do it. He declares
his fixed resolution never to be his own avenger. If men wrong us, God will right us, at farthest, in
the judgment of the great day.

Verses 16–22

Saul speaks as quite overcome with David's kindness. Many mourn for their sins, who do not
truly repent of them; weep bitterly for them, yet continue in love and in league with them. Now
God made good to David that word on which he had caused him to hope, that he would bring forth
his righteousness as the light, Ps 37:6. Those who take care to keep a good conscience, may leave

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