Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Chapter 29

Chapter Outline
Job's former comforts. (1–6)
The honour paid to Job, His usefulness. (7–17)
His prospect of prosperity. (18–25)

Verses 1–6

Job proceeds to contrast his former prosperity with his present misery, through God's withdrawing
from him. A gracious soul delights in God's smiles, not in the smiles of this world. Four things
were then very pleasant to holy Job. 1. The confidence he had in the Divine protection. 2. The
enjoyment he had of the Divine favour. 3. The communion he had with the Divine word. 4. The
assurance he had of the Divine presence. God's presence with a man in his house, though it be but
a cottage, makes it a castle and a palace. Then also he had comfort in his family. Riches and
flourishing families, like a candle, may be soon extinguished. But when the mind is enlightened
by the Holy Spirit, when a man walks in the light of God's countenance, every outward comfort is
doubled, every trouble is diminished, and he may pass cheerfully by this light through life and
through death. Yet the sensible comfort of this state is often withdrawn for a season; and commonly
this arises from sinful neglect, and grieving the Holy Spirit: sometimes it may be a trial of a man's
faith and grace. But it is needful to examine ourselves, to seek for the cause of such a change by
fervent prayer, and to increase our watchfulness.

Verses 7–17

All sorts of people paid respect to Job, not only for the dignity of his rank, but for his personal
merit, his prudence, integrity, and good management. Happy the men who are blessed with such
gifts as these! They have great opportunities of honouring God and doing good, but have great need
to watch against pride. Happy the people who are blessed with such men! it is a token for good to
them. Here we see what Job valued himself by, in the day of his prosperity. It was by his usefulness.
He valued himself by the check he gave to the violence of proud and evil men. Good magistrates
must thus be a restraint to evil-doers, and protect the innocent; in order to this, they should arm
themselves with zeal and resolution. Such men are public blessings, and resemble Him who rescues
poor sinners from Satan. How many who were ready to perish, now are blessing Him! But who
can show forth His praises? May we trust in His mercy, and seek to imitate His truth, justice, and

Verses 18–25

Being thus honoured and useful, Job had hoped to die in peace and honour, in a good old age.
If such an expectation arise from lively faith in the providence and promise of God, it is well; but
if from conceit of our own wisdom, and dependence on changeable, earthly things, it is ill grounded,

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