Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

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are often very remarkable. We pass from depth of despondency to the height of religious confidence
and joy. It is thus, ver. 5. All is gloomy dejection in ver. 4; but here the mind of the despondent
worshipper rises above all its distressing fears, and throws itself, without reserve, on the mercy and
care of its Divine Redeemer. See the power of faith, and how good it is to draw near to God. If we
bring our cares and griefs to the throne of grace, and leave them there, we may go away like Hannah,
and our countenances will be no more said, 1Sa 1:18. God's mercy is the support of the psalmist's
faith. Finding I have that to trust to, I am comforted, though I have no merit of my own. His faith
in God's mercy filled his heart with joy in his salvation; for joy and peace come by believing. He
has dealt bountifully with me. By faith he was as confident of salvation, as if it had been completed
already. In this way believers pour out their prayers, renouncing all hopes but in the mercy of God
through the Saviour's blood: and sometimes suddenly, at others gradually, they will find their
burdens removed, and their comforts restored; they then allow that their fears and complaints were
unnecessary, and acknowledge that the Lord hath dealt bountifully with them.

Chapter 14

A description of the depravity of human nature, and the deplorable corruption of a great
part of mankind.
—The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. The sinner here described is an atheist, one
that saith there is no Judge or Governor of the world, no Providence ruling over the affairs of men.
He says this in his heart. He cannot satisfy himself that there is none, but wishes there were none,
and pleases himself that it is possible there may be none; he is willing to think there is none. This
sinner is a fool; he is simple and unwise, and this is evidence of it: he is wicked and profane, and
this is the cause. The word of God is a discerner of these thoughts. No man will say, There is no
God, till he is so hardened in sin, that it is become his interest that there should be none to call him
to an account. The disease of sin has infected the whole race of mankind. They are all gone aside,
there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Whatever good is in any of the children of men, or is
done by them, it is not of themselves, it is God's work in them. They are gone aside from the right
way of their duty, the way that leads to happiness, and are turned into the paths of the destroyer.
Let us lament the corruption of our nature, and see what need we have of the grace of God: let us
not marvel that we are told we must be born again. And we must not rest in any thing short of union
with Christ, and a new creation to holiness by his Spirit. The psalmist endeavours to convince
sinners of the evil and danger of their way, while they think themselves very wise, and good, and
safe. Their wickedness is described. Those that care not for God's people, for God's poor, care not
for God himself. People run into all manner of wickedness, because they do not call upon God for
his grace. What good can be expected from those that live without prayer? But those that will not
fear God, may be made to fear at the shaking of a leaf. All our knowledge of the depravity of human
nature should endear to us salvation out of Zion. But in heaven alone shall the whole company of
the redeemed rejoice fully, and for evermore. The world is bad; oh that the Messiah would come
and change its character! There is universal corruption; oh for the times of reformation! The triumphs
of Zion's King will be the joys of Zion's children. The second coming of Christ, finally to do away

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