Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Verse 16

Perhaps a righteous man has no more than what he works hard for, but that labour tends to life.

Verse 17

The traveller that has missed his way, and cannot bear to be told of it, and to be shown the right
way, must err still.

Verse 18

He is especially a fool who thinks to hide anything from God; and malice is no better.

Verse 19

Those that speak much, speak much amiss. He that checks himself is a wise man, and therein
consults his own peace.

Verses 20 , 21

The tongue of the just is sincere, freed from the dross of guile and evil design. Pious discourse
is spiritual food to the needy. Fools die for want of a heart, so the word is; for want of thought.

Verse 22

That wealth which is truly desirable, has no vexation of spirit in the enjoyment; no grief for the
loss; no guilt by the abuse of it. What comes from the love of God, has the grace of God for its

Verse 23

Only foolish and wicked men divert themselves with doing harm to others, or tempting to sin.

Verse 24

The largest desire of eternal blessings the righteous can form, will be granted.

Verse 25

The course of prosperous sinners is like a whirlwind, which soon spends itself, and is gone.

Verse 26

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