Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

(Jeff_L) #1

Here is the language of presumptuous sinners. The Jews had long thrown off serious thoughts of
God. How many days of our lives pass without suitable remembrance of him! The Lord was
displeased with their confidences, and would not prosper them therein. Men employ all their
ingenuity, but cannot find happiness in the way of sin, or excuse for it. They may shift from one
sin to another, but none ever hardened himself against God, or turned from him, and prospered.

Chapter 3

Exhortations to repentance. (Jer. 3:1-5) Judah more guilty than Israel. (Jer. 3:6-11) But pardon
is promised. (Jer. 3:12-20) The children of Israel express their sorrow and repentance. (Jer. 3:21-25)

Jer. 3:1-5 In repentance, it is good to think upon the sins of which we have been guilty, and
the places and companies where they have been committed. How gently the Lord had corrected
them! In receiving penitents, he is God, and not man. Whatever thou hast said or done hitherto,
wilt thou not from this time apply to me? Will not this grace of God overcome thee? Now pardon
is proclaimed, wilt thou not take the benefit? They will hope to find in him the tender compassions
of a Father towards a returning prodigal. They will come to him as the Guide of their youth: youth
needs a guide. Repenting sinners may encourage themselves that God will not keep his anger to
the end. All God's mercies, in every age, suggest encouragement; and what can be so desirable for
the young, as to have the Lord for their Father, and the Guide of their youth? Let parents daily
direct their children earnestly to seek this blessing.

Jer. 3:6-11 If we mark the crimes of those who break off from a religious profession, and the
consequences, we see abundant reason to shun evil ways. It is dreadful to be proved more criminal
than those who have actually perished in their sins; yet it will be small comfort in everlasting
punishment, for them to know that others were viler than they.

Jer. 3:12-20 See God's readiness to pardon sin, and the blessings reserved for gospel times.
These words were proclaimed toward the north; to Israel, the ten tribes, captive in Assyria. They
are directed how to return. If we confess our sins, the Lord is faithful and just to forgive them.
These promises are fully to come to pass in the bringing back the Jews in after-ages. God will
graciously receive those that return to him; and by his grace, he takes them out from among the
rest. The ark of the covenant was not found after the captivity. The whole of that dispensation was
to be done away, which took place after the multitude of believers had been greatly increased by
the conversion of the Gentiles, and of the Israelites scattered among them. A happy state of the
church is foretold. He can teach all to call him Father; but without thorough change of heart and
life, no man can be a child of God, and we have no security for not departing from Him.

Jer. 3:21-25 Sin is turning aside to crooked ways. And forgetting the Lord our God is at the
bottom of all sin. By sin we bring ourselves into trouble. The promise to those that return is, God
will heal their backslidings, by his pardoning mercy, his quieting peace, and his renewing grace.

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