Mind, Brain, Body, and Behavior

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

NIH Record (1949-present): in-house newspaper. [Issues since July
1996 are available online at http://www.nih.gov/news/NIH-Record/

NIH Scientific Director Meetings’ Minutes (1950-1983): minutes of
biweekly meetings involving all institute scientific directors.

NIH Telephone Directories (1948-current): provides names, affiliations,
and locations of laboratory, branch, and section chiefs.

NIMH and NINDB oral histories and biographical files

NIH Library (Bethesda, MD)

NIMH Annual Reports (1950-1952, 1954-1960, 1967-1968, 1971-1989,
1992-current): NIMH Director, NIMH Scientific Director, NIMH
Clinical Director, and Laboratory and Branch Chiefs’ annual reports;
individual study abstracts.

NINDB Annual Reports (1954-1988): NINDB Director, NINDB
Scientific Director, NINDB Clinical Director, and Laboratory and
Branch Chiefs’ annual reports; individual study abstracts.

NIH Reports for the fiscal years, 1950-51, and 1951-52: unpublished
internal documents.

NIH Scientific Directories and Annual Bibliographies (1956, 1959­
1991): provide names of all laboratory, branch and section chiefs and
individual members as well as yearly bibliography of published work.

American Psychological Association Archives (Washington, D.C.)

Brand, Jeanne L., and Philip Sapir. “An Historical Perspective on the
National Institute of Mental Health (prepared as sec. 1 of the NIMH
Report to the Woolridge Committee of the President’s Scientific
Advisory Committee). Mimeograph.” 1964.
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