FragmentQ 58.5 Total SU
R 33
T 133.5 V 38
W 27 X 69.5
Y 80
AA 356 BB 141.5
CC 10.5 DD 102.5
EE 83 FF 117
GG 89
JJ 7
The following table gives the total number of SU and the total count of variant forms for
each set of two parallel tablets preserving at least 50 SU in common. Following this table
is an exhaustive list of all variant readings between any two known sources for the first
tablet in the series MUL.APIN that overlap in content, regardless of the amount of over-
lapping text preserved. Although every variant is given in the list, the discussion of the
variants will refer in the main only to those texts preserving at least 50 SU in parallel
listed in the table. This is done so that only those texts that are preserved in sufficient
proportions to be statistically reliable are brought into the main discussion. Variant read-
ings in the parallel sources that are less fully preserved may be referred to periodically,
but will not be made to bear any of the statistical argument put forward regarding types
and frequencies of variants.