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List of Variants Between the Parallel Sources for MUL.APIN

No. Tablets Variant Text Categorisation

(^) M1 AA i 1 DIŠ mul APIN (^) SV(1) – The preposition determina-
tive DIŠ, preceding clauses or proper
nouns, is lacking in CC.^246
CC 1 mul [
M2 B 1 mu]l giš APIN OV – The preposition determinative GIŠ, preceding wooden objects, is
AA i 1 lacking in AA and DD.
mul APIN
DD 1 m ]ul APIN
M3 A i 1 pa-ni OV – The phonetic spelling in A ap-
B 1 IGI AA i 1 IGI pears as a logogram in the parallel sources.
M4 BB 2 AA i 2 DIŠ mul UR.BAR.RA mul UR.BAR.RA SV(1) – The preposition determina-tive DIŠ is lacking in BB and CC.
CC 2 mu l UR.BAR[
M5 A i 2 B 2 gišgiš NINDA NINDA OV – The preposition determinative GIŠ is lacking in BB.
AA i 2 giš NINDA
M6 A i 2 AA i 2 ša ša mumull APIN APIN lacking in BB. SV(1) – The relative pronoun ša is
BB 2 mul APIN
(^) M7 AA i 3 (^) DIŠ mul ŠU.IGI (^) SV(1) – The preposition determina-
BB 3 CC 3 mumull ŠU.IGI ŠU[ tive DIŠ is lacking in BB and CC.
M8 AA i 3 GÀM Not Counted – The sign is uncertain
(^246) The general rule followed in this study is that if a determinative is lacking in one document and present
in another it is counted as an orthographic variant. See, for example, the spelling with or without the prepo-
sition determinative DINGIR at V40 et passim. There the parallel sources refer to the same noun, so the
difference is clearly orthographic. In the present case, though, whether or not a scribe wrote the sign DIŠ at
the beginning of consecutive lines on the tablet is rather a matter of stylistic convention.

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