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M28 AA i 9-

GUB-zu (10) sis-sin-nu SV(2) – BB has a gloss following the
BB 14 GUB meš si-si-nu sis-si-nu proper noun Sissinu.^254

(^) M29 A i 11 (^) dE
C i 3 dE^44 -ru-ru^66 proper noun SV(2) – BB has a gloss following the Eru.^255
(^) BB 15 AA i 10 ddEE 4 -ru 6
4 -ru^6 e-ru
M30 AA i 11 DIŠ mul SV(1) – The preposition determina-
BB 16 mu l^ tive DIŠ is lacking in BB.
M31 A i 12 [ l]íl OV – A, AA and DD preserve the usual spelling for Enlil, while BB has
AA i 11 the abbreviated form. (^256)
BB 16 dBE
DD 9 d En-líl
M32 C i 5 i-š[im]-me A i 12 i-šim-mu OV(l) – Different inflected verbal ending. (^257)
E i 3 ]šim-me
(^) BB 16 i-šim-mu AA i 11 i-šim-ma
(^) M33 AA i 12 (^) DIŠ mul SV(1) - The preposition determina-
BB 17 mul tive DIŠ is lacking in BB.
M34 AA i 12 IGI-šú OV – The pronominal object suffix is
BB 17 IGI-šu DD 10 IGI-šú written with the sign ŠÚ in AA and DD.
(^254) According to CAD S 325-26 the proper noun (^) Sissinu, the constellation Coma Berenices, is frequently
accompanied by the gloss sisinu meaning “date frond, spadix.” Only BB supplies glosses for this name and
for the name of the city deity Eru (see M29). 255
The close association of both names that are glossed in BB is indicated by the astronomical text pub-
lished in LBAT 1510 11, which reads “E 256 4 -ru 6 ... sis-sin-nu ina qāt,” “Eru ... date frond in hand.”
See R. Labat, Manuel, 67, and also R. Borger, Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon (Münster: Ugarit-
Verlag, 2004) 67-68. 257
A and BB share the same spelling of the present future verb išemme, “to fix, decree.” AA has a spelling
with final /a/, unattested in the parallel sources, while C and E reflect the expected ‘i’ theme vowel. For the
verbal root siāmu, “to fix, decree,” see CAD Š 1 362.

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