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M44 A i 18 d A-a OV – The preposition determinative
C i 11 A-a AA i 17 d A-a DINGIR is lacking in C.

(^) M45 A i 19 (^) d A-num (^) OV – AA has a longer spelling for
(^) DD 15 AA i 18 dd A-nu-um A-num the proper noun Anum.
M46 A i 19 GAL-ú OV – The phonetic complement for rabû, “great,” is written differently in
A and AA.
AA i 18 GAL-u
M47 A i 20 F 2 DIŠ DIŠ mulmul^ SV(1) – The preposition determina-tive DIŠ is lacking in BB.
AA i 19 DIŠ mul`
BB 26 mul
M48 A i 21 F 3 DIŠ DIŠ mumull SV(1) – The preposition determina-tive DIŠ is lacking in BB.
AA i 20 DIŠ mul
BB 27 mu l (^)
M49 A i 21 AA i 20 mumull IBILA. IBILA.É.MA˹MAḪḪ.É (^) ˺ (?) OV – The preposition determinative MUL is lacking in DD. (^260)
BB 28 DD 17 [m]ul IBILA[ IBILA[
M50 A i 22 DUMU reš-tu-ú SV(2) – AA has the preposition de-terminative MUL, lacking in A and
F 4 DUMU reš-tu-ú
AA i 21 [ ] MUL [ ] reš-tu-ú
M51 A i 22 d A-nu-um OV(l) – Possible difference in pro-
AA i 21 d A-nim nunciation.
M52 A i 23 F 5 DIŠ DIŠ mumull tive DIŠ is lacking in BB. SV(1) – The preposition determina-
BB 30 mul
(^260) The apparent metathesis of the signs MA (^) Ḫ and É in DD is broken and therefore uncertain. The signs are
reads as follows: IBILA (=DUMU), aplu, “heir, (eldest) son;” É, bītu, “house, temple;” and MAḪ, ṣiru,
“eminent, sublime” (see 261 CAD Ṣ 210) thus rendering the name “Heir of the Sublime Temple.”
This is read as a gloss that defines the phrase māru reštu as a proper noun referring to an astronomical
body. For examples of similar glosses lacking in the parallel sources see M132 and M299.

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