DINGIR in FF.^270
(^) M82 G 1 (^) [d A-nim] u d I[NNIN] SV(1) – The conjunction “u” is lack-
FF i 10 d A-nim INNIN ing between the divine names and Ištar in FF. Anu
(^) M83 G 1 (^) d I[NNIN] (^) OV – The preposition determinative
DINGIR is lacking before the divine
name Ištar in FF.
M84 A ii 4 GUB meš-zu OV – A has the plural marker MEŠ following the logogram GUB,
zazzū. This is written without the plu-
ral marker MEŠ in FF.^271
FF i 11 GUB-zu
M85 A ii 4 d LÚ.LÀL u d L[a SV(1) – A has a conjunction between the proper nouns Lulal and Latarak,
lacking in FF.
FF i 12 d LÚ.LÀL d La-ta-rak
(^) M86 G 2 d La-ta-ra-ak (^) OV – The proper noun Latarak is
FF i 12 d La-ta-rak written differently in G and FF.
M87 G 3 ]d DAR.LUGAL SV(1) – The preposition tive attached to the proper noun Tar-
lugallaDINGIR in G. is MUL in FF against (^272)
FF i 13 mul DAR.LUGAL
M88 G 4 d MAŠ OV – The proper noun Ninurta ap-
(^270) According to CAD I/J 188 the name “ (^) d is le-e” refers to the constellation Haydes, the “Jaw of the Bull”
(the “Bull” being the constellation Taurus). Other possible readings are “giš LI,” burāšu, meaning “juniper;”
and giš lē’u, “writing board,” which appears as “giš le 9 -e” in E. Ebeling, Literarische Keilschrifttexte aus
Assur (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1953) 113 r.3 (cf. CAD L 156). However it is most likely that the lack of
the preposition determinative DINGIR is simply an orthographic variation. 271
The spelling in FF is probably a defective plural, but this is problematic given that the subject is unclear.
The subject in A is “Lulal u Latarak,” clearly two proper nouns requiring a plural in the predicate. FF has
Lulal Latarak without the conjunction, leaving the number of subjects ambiguous. However, the occur-
rence of the preposition determinative DINGIR preceding each of the proper nouns in FF suggests that two
individual names are intended, and so the agreement of FF with A seems most probable. 272
See also M132 for the interchange of the determinatives DINGIR and MUL preceding proper nouns. It
is otherwise possible that the proper noun in G had both the determinatives MUL and DINGIR attached (cf.
M150 and M167) but based on the space immediately preceding the sign DINGIR in G the former possibil-
ity seems more likely.