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M155 A iii 13 E ii 14 mumull GÍR.TAB GÍR.TAB OV – The preposition determinative MUL is written as MÚL in V.
H iii 1 O ii 6 mulmul GÍR.TAB GÍR.TAB^
V 12 múl [GÍ]R.TAB
M156 A iii 14 KUR-ma OV – V has a phonetic complement
E ii 15 KUR-ma H iii 2 KUR-ma attached to the verb in the other sources. inappa", lacking
O ii 7 V 13 KUR-ma "]a-ma

(^) M157 A iii 14 (^) MUL.MUL (^) OV – V spells kakkabū, “stars
(Pleiades),” with the sign MÚL,
against MUL in the other sources.
E ii 15 MUL.MUL
H iii 2 MUL.MUL O ii 7 MUL.MUL
M158 A iii 17 mul d MUŠ OV – The proper noun Nira", “the
Snake,” is written with the preposi-tion determinative DINGIR in A,
lacking in the other sources.
E ii 18 H iii 5 mumull MUŠ MUŠ
O ii 10 mu l MUŠ^
M159 A iii 17 KUR me-ma OV – The plural marker is written with the sign ME in A, against MEŠ
E ii 18 KUR in E.
(^) M160 A iii 17 KUR (^) me-ma (^) OV(l) – Difference in grammatical
E ii 18 KUR O ii 10 KUR-nim meš-ma me-ma form.^299
M161 A iii 18 mul GU.LA u mul TI 8 mušen OV – The conjunction is written with the sign Ù in O, against U in the
other sources.
E ii 19 G]U.LA u mul TI 8 mušen
H iii 6 O ii 11 mumull GU.LA u[ GU.LA ù mul TI
8 [
M162 A iii 19 KUR me-ma OV – The plural marker is written with the sign ME in A, against MEŠ
in E and H.
E ii 20 KUR meš-ma
H iii 7 KUR meš-ma
(^299) O has a ventive suffix attached to the verb (^) inappaḫūnimma, lacking in A and E. The verb KUR me-ma,
inappaḫūma, “they will rise,” is a present future masculine plural verb in the G stem with the emphatic
particle “-ma” suffixed. In O the verb has an apparent ventive affixed as well, which in translation might be
rendered as simply “arise,” or some equivalent with motion implied. See also M163 and M165 below.

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