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M293 A iv 25 O iii 11 ina MURUBMIN SV(2) – A writes chen against the full clause in O. Wiederholungszei-
4 AN-e
M294 A iv 25 MIN SV(2) – A writes Wiederholungszei-
O iii 12 GA]BA-ka GUB-ma chen against the full clause in O.
M295 A iv 26 MIN SV(2) – A and T write Wieder-
O iii 13 ina MURUB T iv 17 4 [ holungszeichenin O. against the full clause

(^) M296 A iv 26 (^) MIN SV(2) – A and T write (^) Wieder-
(^) T iv 17 MIN O iii 14 [ ] GUB-ma holungszeichenin O. against the full clause
M297 A iv 29 E iii 4 MIN IGI-it GABA [ SV(2) – A writes chen against the full clause in E. Wiederholungszei-
(^) M298 A iv 30 (^) MIN SV(2) – A writes (^) Wiederholungszei-
E iii 6 IGI-it[ chen against the full clause in E.
(^) M299 E iii 7 (^) DINGIR meš (^) SV(1) – E has ilāni, “the gods,”
F r.3 MUL m[eš against kakkabū, “the stars,” in F.^330
M300 A iv 31 i-na OV – A has the preposition written syllabically against the logo-ina, “in,”
E iii 7 ina graphic form in E.
(^) M301 E iii 14 (^) an-nu-tu
4 OV – The final syllable of “those,” is written with the sign TU annûtu,
F r.11 an-nu-t[u in F against TU 4 in E. (^331)
(^330) There is no apparent difference in meaning here as both sources refer to objects that (^) ina ḫarrān Sin iz-
zazzūma, “are positioned in the path of Sin.” That is, both sources refer to objects in the cosmos that stand
in the orbital path of the moon and so are indicative of the same phenomena. The variant here is therefore
treated as a lexical interchange. 331
Compare the same variation in M256.

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