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H121 LH iva 60 ni-nu-a ki OV – B has CV-V[C-CV]? against
B vi 17 ni-i[n ]-a ki CV-CV in LH. 418

H122 LH iva 62 B vi 19 ú-šu-pí-ù ú-še-pu-ù OV(l) nunciation.– Possible difference in pro- (^419)
C v 16 ú-ši-pu-ù
H123 LH iva 63 me-e SV(1) – Lexical interchange.^420
B vi 19 C v 16 me-e-su me-e[ ]
(^) H124 LH iva 65 (^) mu-uš-te-mi-qum (^) OV(l) – B lacks the nominative
singular case vowel for the III/2 participle of √emqu, “to pray, sup-
B vi 20 mu-ušte-mi-iq
(^) H125 LH iva 66 (^) DINGIR.GAL.GAL (^) OV – The phrase ilī rabûtim,
(^) C v 19 DING[IR.GA]L.G[AL] B vi 21 ì-lí ra-bi-ù-tim “(the) great gods,” is written syl-labically in B.
H126 LH iva 68 B vi 23 šu-ma-la-ìl šu-la-ìl Not Counted – The proper noun Šumu-la-el is misspelled in B. (^421)
(^) H127 LH va 1 (^) da-rí-um (^) OV(l) – B lacks mimation. (^422)
B vi 25 da-ru-ú
H128 LH va 8 šu-me-rí-im OV(l) – B lacks mimation.
(^418) R. Borger, Babylonisch-Assyrische Lesestücke (^) , 9, notes “Schreibung des Statnamens Ninive in B
unklar,” however an orthographic variant seems certain. 419
The Old Akkadian form in LH, where medial /e/ > /u/ for vowel harmony (see G.R. Driver and J.C.
Miles, Babylonian Laws, 144), is dropped in B and C. B reflects the shift [i] > [e] in primae aleph roots,
and might be considered a Neo-Assyrian form of III/1 420 √apû, “to proclaim, decree.”
B has √mēsū, “cultic rituals,” in place of √mû, “cultic rites” in LH (see CAD M 2 35 and 156). The term
mēsū was perhaps more familiar to the later scribe. The possibility that B preserves a pronominal suffix
lacking in the stele is discounted on account of the fact that the shift /š/ > /s/ is unwarranted given the lack
of a preceding dental or alveolar plosive /t/, and that the gender of the pronominal suffix would be incorrect
in context. C is too damaged to allow a certain reading. 421
D.J. Wiseman, "Hammurabi Again," 170, and R. Borger, Babylonisch-Assyrische Lesestücke, 9, mark
this variant as a scribal error in B, where the sign MA has been elided. Scribal error is also assumed in the
present study in the light of Rule 1. 422
LH also preserves the diphthong of final weak √darû, “everlasting,” lacking in the orthography of B. Cf.
note above.

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