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H189 LH ib 36 pa-ša-ri-im OV(l) – P has the wrong case
P 3 rev. ii 8 pa-ša-ri-am vowel for the genitive singular. 448

H190 LH ib 45 T ii 7 i-le-qé i-le-eq OV(l) – Possible difference in pro-nunciation. (^449)
(^) H191 LH ib 51 (^) ḫar-ra-nim (^) OV(l) – P lacks mimation.
P 3 rev. iii 4 [ ]-ni
(^) H192 LH iib 52 (^) wa-ši-ib-ma (^) OV(l) – Possible difference in pro-
P 3 rev. iii 4 a-ši-˹ib˺-[m]a nunciation. 450
H193 LH iib 57 ši-bu-ul-tim OV(l) – Possible difference in pro-
P P 3 rev. iii 8 [ ]-ti nunciation.^451
4 rev. i 3 še-[ ]
H194 LH iib 58 ú-ša-bíl-šu OV(l) – Possible difference in pro-
P 4 rev. i 4 ú-ša-bi-la-[ ] nunciation. 452
H195 LH iib 63 it-ba-al OV – T has CVC against CV-VC
T iii 4 it-bal in LH.
H196 LH iiib 22 P a-na SV(1) – Lexical interchange.^453
2 rev. ii 16 a-šà
(^448) The genitive case vowel is expected here, as the infinitive follows the preposition: (^) ana pašarim iddin,
“he gives (something) in order to sell.” Reading an accusative singular in P would translate “he gives the
selling (of something),” which conflicts with the other objects in the clause: še’am šipātim šamnam u mima
bišam. See also the preposition plus infinitive with the case vowel incorrectly marked as accusative singu-
lar, 449 ana hulluqiam, in manuscript B at H18 above.
450 T lacks the final vowel in III weak √leqû, “to take.”
P reflects the shift of I /w/ > /a/, a feature already seen in late Old Babylonian texts (see J. Huehnergard,
Grammar 451 , 259).
P 3 +P 4 reads “še-[ ]-ti.” P therefore lacks mimation and also reflects [e] for /i/. For a discussion of the
latter phenomenon see note above and the references there. 452
P has the addition of an anaptyctic vowel in the III/1 preterite of √wabālu, “deliver.” See also H78 and
H166. 453
P exchanges the preposition ana, “to, for,” for aša (=aššum?) “concerning, on account of.”

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