Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx

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H251 LH xxviiib 12 gu-ru-un OV – Different spelling of the noun √gurunnu, “heap, mound,” in
e 1 rev. i 2 qu-r[u ] e. 481
H252 LH xxviiib 14 um-ma-na-ti-šu SV(1) – Difference in gender.^482
e 1 rev. i 3 um-ma-ni-šu

(^) H253 LH xxviiib
li-it-ta-ad-di OV(l) – Difference in grammatical
e form.^483
1 rev. i 4 li-iš-t[a ]
H254 LH xxviiib 17 ERIN-šu-ma OV – The noun ERIN, “army, troop,” is written syllabi-ummanu,
e 1 rev. i 5 um-[m]a-an-šu[m-m]a cally in e.
H255 LH xxviiib 17 ERIN-šu-ma OV – e has CV in LH. CVC-CV against CV-
e 1 rev. i 5 um-[m]a-an-šu[m-m]a
(^) H256 LH xxviiib
re-ma-am Not Counted – The damaged sign
e does not allow a certain reading.
1 rev. i 6 re-[e] ?-ma-am
H257 LH xxviiib 18 a-i OV(l) – Possible difference in pro-nunciation. (^484)
e 1 rev. i 7 a
(^480) The final /m/ in e is not part of the root, which is taken as √râmu, “to love.” The form in e is perhaps
best understood as archaising, by adding artificial mimation to a verbal form. 481
482 The sign QU can be read as GU^8 , so this is counted as a simple orthographic variant.
The lexeme √ummanu, “army, troop,” is written as a feminine noun in the stele, against the masculine
form in e. 483
The stele appears to have the IV/1 or I/2 precative form of √nadānu, “be set (in place),” against the III/2
present future form in e, “be left, put.” The difference in grammatical form produces essentially the same
translation, though e carries a causative sense compared to the passive sense given in the stele. The possi-
bility of scribal error in the stele is raised in G.R. Driver and J.C. Miles, 484 Babylonian Laws, 301.
The prohibitive particle ay is written as a monophthong in e against the diphthong in the stele. See CAD
A 1 218a for the distribution of both spellings.

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