Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx

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V45 C:29 EBUR KI.A SI.Á SV(2) – H has an expansive plus.^185
H:7 KI]N-ár E[BUR

V46 C:35 UD.6.KAM HV – Difference in ordinal number.^186
H:11 UD.7.KAM

V47 C:42 IGI.DU 8 OV – J and H have an abbreviated form of
H:15 IGI the full compound logogram preserved in C.

V48 C:43 UD.9.KAM HV – Difference in cardinal number.^187
H:15 UD.8.KAM

V49 C:43 TÙM-ma OV – L has syllabic spelling, against the
L:2 i-tab-bal[-ma] logogram in C.

V50 C:44 UD.18.KAM HV – Difference in ordinal number.^188
H:16 U]D.17.KAM

(^185) H appears to have the word išappar (^) ar before EBUR (ebūr) in the apodosis. C lacks any such reference to
sending messengers at this point. 186
C records that the final day of the western visibility of Venus was the 6th day of Tebēti, while H has the
7187 th day.
C records the period of western visibility as eight months and nine days, while H records [break] eight
days. 188
C records Γ on the 18th of Addari, while H has the 17th of Addari

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