Artists & Illustrators 5
YOUR LETTERSGeneration artI have drawn and painted for as long as I can remember, mainly for thejoy of it but occasionally exhibiting and selling my work. As a child myuncle worked for Winsor & Newton and each year on my birthday Iwould receive a box of paints. I still have two small oil paintings I didwhen I was 10 years old.Now, whenever my grandchildren come over, they retreat to mystudio and use my materials. When several years ago I asked mygranddaughter: âwould you like to be an artist when you grow up?â sheanswered: âI am an artist,â which made perfect sense. Having beensick over the past year I have not had the energy to paint. But with thehelp of Artists & Illustrators I have kept the process going in myimagination and kept my artistâs eye alive. I am constantly absorbingfor when I am ready to pick up where I left off. Thank you.Carolyn Smith, via email``````write usSend your letter or emailto the addresses below:``````POST:Your LettersArtists & IllustratorsThe Chelsea MagazineCompany Ltd.Jubilee House2 Jubilee PlaceLondon SW3 3TQ``````EMAIL: [email protected]``````The writer of our âletter ofthe monthâ will receive a£50 gift voucher from ourpartner GreatArt, whooffers the UKâs largestrange of art materialswith more than 50,art supplies and regulardiscounts andpromotions.``````LETTER OF THE MONTH
### IPAD ARTRE: Your Letters, Issue 366Having read your letters page inthe July issue, I am sending twoexamples of work from my iPad.The picture of Trentham Lake (left)is on show in the Open Exhibition ofthe Newcastle-under-Lyme Museumand Art Gallery. It was done with theProcreate app then printed usingmy printer and 160gsm paper forcolour printing.The drawing of Criccieth beach(pictured above right) in NorthWales was created using theArtRage app and printed at homeon 190gsm Bockingford inkjetwatercolour paper.``````I would welcome more advice inyour excellent magazine.Many thanks and kind regards.Anthea Bond, via email``````Since visiting David Hockneyâsexhibition I also have been using myiPad and would very muchappreciate articles on this art.I mostly use the Art Set appbut I fi nd apps quite complicatedand they take a lot of patience.June Vanbergen, via email``````Iâm a hobby painter using mainlyacrylics and soft pastels but I aminterested in digital art too.Drawing and Painting on the iPad[by Diana Seidl] looks veryinteresting and if I had an iPad Iwould certainly consider buying it.Another very good book, particularlyfor beginners, is Matthew PalmerâsPainting without Paint: LandscapesOn Your Tablet.Janis Steele, via email`````` (0) 1795 419 838 and quote P60S
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martin jones
(Martin Jones)