Global Ethics for Leadership

(Marcin) #1

16 Global Ethics for Leadership

and set an amount free for contributing the first 3 years so to mobilize
further means and gave him time to set it up.
Prof. Dr. Stückelberger prudently started the project and created an
association supported by like-minded friends and specialists. After my
retirement from SDC, I was asked to join the board. I did, provided that
the association was changed into a Swiss based international foundation
with an internationally composed board. This allowed us a clearer legal
set-up under the surveillance of the Swiss authorities for foundations to
follow the stringent rules: accountability and transparency. Those re-
quirements were easily met by Thanks to the tireless ef-
forts of Prof. Dr. Christoph Stückelberger and his growing team, as well
as a generous entrepreneur, Globethics library became the biggest e-
library on ethics on a global level within 10 years. That is an impressive
achievement and celebrated as such by nearly 200,000 users from coun-
tries around the globe. The e-library set-up also allowed the creation of a
virtual space for networking, exchanges and collaboration among users,
including professors, students and other interested people. Globeth- through its e-library has become an attractive partner for sharing
thoughts, knowledge and for publishing freely accessible works. Infor-
mation that keeps its value over time does become knowledge and ac-
cess to that knowledge is an important way to empower people.
Knowledge is, besides faith, one of those resources that grows the more
we use it. Giving access to that knowledge is a very valuable contribu-
tion has realized and will undoubtedly further ensure to
do so.

1.2 Values and Virtues are Strongly Linked to their

Cultural Context

The Globethics library is an amazing platform to get testimonies on
how much culture in a given context influences values and virtues, and
in all big world cultural regions we see how influential religions are in

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