Design Patterns Java™ Workbook

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 21. Template Method

not shown in the diagram, that dispense the chemicals that the machine mixes into a paste and
presses into the molds. When the machine shuts down, it stops working on the mold in
the processing area, and ushers any molds on its input conveyor through the processing area
to the output, without processing the molds. Then the machine discharges its current batch of
paste and flushes its processing area with water. The machine orchestrates all of this activity
by using an on-board computer and the AsterStarPress class shown in Figure 21.3.

Figure 21.2. An Aster star press comes with input and output conveyors that move star
press molds. Oozinoz adds a recovery conveyor that saves discarded star press paste.
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