Dynamic range The ability of the image sensor to record image detail across the
subject brightness range. This is often expressed in f-stops.
Edit To select images from a larger collection to form a sequence or
theme or to optimize, enhance or manipulate an image using
editing software.
Electronic fl ash Mobile 5800K light source of high intensity and short duration.
Evaluate Estimate the value or quality of a piece of work.
EVF Electronic ViewFinder
Exposure Combined effect of intensity and duration of light on light-
sensitive material.
Exposure compensation To increase or decrease the exposure from a meter-indicated
exposure to obtain an appropriate exposure.
Exposure meter Device for the measurement of light.
Exposure value Numerical values used in exposure evaluation without reference
to aperture or time.
Extreme contrast Subject brightness range that exceeds the image sensor’s
ability to record all detail.
F-stop Numerical system indicating aperture diameter.
Fast lens Lens with a large lens opening (small f-stop).
Feather The action of softening the edge of a digital selection.
Figure and ground Relationship between subject and background.
File format The code used to store digital data, e.g. TIFF or JPEG.
File size The memory required to store digital data in a fi le.
Fill Use of light to increase detail in shadow area.
Fill-fl ash Flash used to lower the subject brightness range.
Filter Optical device used to modify transmitted light.
Fixed lens camera Non DSLR camera where the lens cannot be removed.
Flare Unwanted light entering the camera and falling on image plane.
Flash Mobile 5800K light source, high intensity, short duration.
Focal plane shutter Shutter mechanism next to image plane.
Focal point Point of focus at the image plane or point of interest in the
Focusing Creating a sharp image by adjustment of the lens to sensor
Foreground Area in front of subject matter.
Format Image area or orientation of camera.
Frame Boundary of composed area.
Front light Light from camera to subject.