Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

essential skills: digital photography in available light

Closest point of focus Minimum distance at which sharp focus is obtained.
CMOS A type of image sensor used in digital cameras.
CMYK Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and black (K). The inks used in four
color printing.
Color balance Photoshop adjustment feature for correcting a color cast in a
digital image fi le.
Color fringing Bands of color on the edges of lines within an image.
Color gamut The range of colors provided by a hardware device, or a set of
Color Picker Dialog box used for the selection of colors.
Compensation Variation in exposure from MIE to obtain appropriate exposure.
Complementary Color - see Primary and Secondary.
Composition The arrangement of shape, tone, line and color within the
boundaries of the image area.
Compression A method for reducing the fi le size of a digital image.
Concept Idea or meaning.
Context Circumstances relevant to subject under consideration.
Continuous tone An image containing the illusion of smooth gradations between
highlights and shadows.
Contrast The difference in brightness between the darkest and lightest
areas of the image or subject.
CPU Central processing unit of a camera used to compute exposure.
Crop Alter image format to enhance composition.
Curves Control in the full version of Adobe Photoshop for adjusting
tonality and color.

Dedicated fl ash Flash regulated by camera’s exposure meter.
Depth of fi eld (DOF) Area of sharpness variable by aperture or focal length.
Design Basis of visual composition.
Diagonal A line neither horizontal nor vertical.
Differential focusing Use of focus to highlight subject areas.
Diffuse Dispersion of light (spread out) and not focused.
Diffuser Material used to disperse light.
Digital Images recorded in the form of binary numbers.
Digital image Computer generated image created with pixels, not fi lm.
Dioptres Close-up lenses.
Direct light Light direct from source to subject without interference.
Distortion Lens aberration or apparent change in perspective.
DOF Area of sharpness variable by aperture or focal length.
DNG A camera RAW fi le format developed by Adobe.
DPI Dots per inch. A measurement of resolution.
DSLR camera Digital Single Lens Refl ex camera.
Dynamic Visual energy.

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