Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Refl ector Material used to refl ect light.
Refraction Deviation of light.
Resample To alter the total number of pixels describing a digital image.
Resolution Optical measure of defi nition, also called sharpness.
RGB Red, green and blue. The three primary colors used to display
images on a color monitor.
Sample To select a color value for analysis or use.
Saturation Intensity or richness of color.
SBR Subject brightness range, a measurement of subject contrast.
Scale Size relationship within subject matter.
Secondary colors Complementary to primary colors, yellow, magenta, cyan.
Selective focus Use of focus and depth of fi eld to emphasize subject areas.
Shadow Unlit area within the image.
Sharp In focus.
Shutter Device controlling the duration (time) of exposure.
Shutter-priority Semi-automatic exposure mode. The photographer selects the
shutter and the camera sets the aperture automatically.
Shutter speed Specifi c time selected for correct exposure.
Side light Light from side to subject.
Silhouette Object with no detail against background with detail.
SLR Single lens refl ex camera; viewfi nder image is an optical view of
the framed image.
Softbox Heavily diffuse light source.
Soft light Diffuse light source with ill-defi ned shadows.
Specular Highly refl ective surfaces.
Speed ISO rating, exposure time relative to shutter speed.
Spot meter Refl ective light meter capable of reading small selected areas.
Standard lens Perspective and angle of view equivalent to the eye.
Stop Selected lens aperture relative to exposure.
Stop down Decrease in aperture size.
Subject Main emphasis within image area.
Subject refl ectance Amount of light refl ected from the subject.
Subjective Interpretative and non-objective analysis of information.
Symmetrical Image balance and visual harmony.
Sync Flash sychronization.
Sync lead Cable used to synchronize fl ash.
Sync speed Shutter speed designated to fl ash.
System software Computer operating program, e.g. Windows or Mac OS.

Thyristor Electronic switch used to control electronic fl ash discharge.
TIFF Tagged Image File Format. Popular digital image fi le format for
desktop publishing applications.
Time Shutter speed, measure of duration of light.

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