essential skills: digital photography in available light
Lange, Dorothea 205
Late light 100
Latitude, brightness range 103
Law 215
LCDs (Liquid Crystal Displays) 14–15
Leaf shutters 43
Lens controls 81
Lens quality 13
dialog box 50
exposure 48–52
white point 131
Light 93–110
brightness range 102
color 99
contrast 101
direction 100
exposure compensation 105–7
fi ltration 108–9
intensity 96
Inverse Square Law 97
landscapes 181
latitude 103
measurement 39
previsualization 103
quality 98
source 95
TTL metering system 117
Light meters 39
reading 46
Lighting on location 111–26
additional lighting 112
fi ll 113
fi ll-fl ash 121
fl ash 115–17, 119, 121, 122
guide numbers 118
refl ectors 114
slow-sync fl ash 123
Line, framing the image 74–5
Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) 14–15
Local adjustments 129, 135–7
Location lighting 111–26
Long exposures 10
Low-contrast image 101
Luminance smoothing 58
Macro lens 185
Magnum photo agency 205
Manual focus, EVF 17
Matrix metering 44
Maximum depth of fi eld 82
Megapixels 2–3
Metadata templates 31
Meter indicated exposure (MIE) 46, 47
Midtones 94, 102
MIE see meter indicated exposure
Monopods 185
Motive with subject 198
Movies 15
Multiple exposures 63
Naturalism 175
Negatives, digital 54
Neutral density fi lters 108
Night photography 186
Nikon (Arcsoft) Panorama Maker 168
Nikon D2Hs camera 4
Nodal point 158–60
increase 88
post-production editing 132
reduction 58
suppression 9
Off-camera fl ash 119
Olympus E-500 camera 6
Open landscape 182
Opening images 61
Orchard, Matthew 179
Ouchterlony, Ann 196
Overall focus 84
Overexposure 38, 39
Panavue ImageAssembler 169
Panning 86
Panoramic photographs 153–72
Parr, Martin 179
Personal expression 178–9
Perspective 90
Photo agencies 205
Photo gallery, web 36
Photo-Secessionists 176
Photographer’s presence 212
Photographic essay 203–17
Photoshop CS/CS2 61
Pictorial photography 175
Point of focus 83
Polarizing fi lters 109