Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Fill-fl ash 121
Fill-light 113
Filtration of light 108–9
Final adjustments 138–9
Firelight 95
Fixed lens digital cameras 6
see also digicams
fi ll 121
key light 122
lighting on location 115–17
primary light source 119
slow-sync 123
synchronisation speeds 43
Fluorescence 95
Focal length
depth of fi eld 83, 164
landscape 184
Focal plane shutter 43
Focal point 81
Focus 81–4, 163
For mat
environmental portraits 193
framing the image 68
landscapes 182
Framing the image 65–78
Fuji Finepix s9500 cameras 6, 8, 10, 18

Global adjustments 128, 130–4
Glossary 219–26
GN see guide numbers
Golden Section 71
Goldsworthy, Andy 187
Gradients 129, 136
Gray card 106
Guide numbers (GN) 118

Hand held cameras 159–60
Harsh light 98
Hasselblad H2D camera 3
High dynamic range see HDR
High-contrast image 101
Highlights 94, 102
Hine, Lewis W. 204
8-bit editing 59
exposure compensation 106
exposure levels 48–9, 50
landscape 186

Horizon lines 182
Horizontal lines 74
Hot-spots, fl ash 119

ID Mark II camera 4
Illustrated Daily News 204
Image format see format
Image overlap, panoramas 161
batch processing 35
editing 30
fi les for processing 24
framing 65–78
opening 61
processing 54
saving 54, 61
stabilization 11
Incident reading of light 96
Infi nity, focus 81
clipping 57
palette 137
exposure 40–3
light 96
Interaction with subject 198
International Press and Telecommunications
Council (IPTC) 33
Inverse square law 41, 97
iPhoto 21
IPTC see International Press and Telecommu-
nications Council
iSee Photovista Panorama 169
ISO sensitivity rating 9, 10, 11, 12
ISO setting 38

JPEG format
image transfer 22
noise 9
speed 4

Key light, fl ash 122
Keyboard shortcuts 31
Keywords, metadata 32–3
Killen, Sean 200
Konica Minolta DiMAGE A2 camera 16

Lag time 4
Landscapes 68, 173–90
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