Digital Photography in Available Light

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

essential skills: digital photography in available light

  1. Create a web photo gallery
    The creation of a web photo gallery is a great way for your client to make a selection online.
    With fast and easy navigation of the optimized images the client can quickly make a choice and
    then use the email link in the page. Although it is called a Web Photo Gallery it does not have to
    be online to be of any use. The gallery can be displayed in any web browser - online or offl ine
    and offers a quick and easy way of navigating your folder of images on your computer without
    launching Photoshop. To create a web gallery select a range of images and then go to Tools >
    Photoshop > Web Photo Gallery. Choose a gallery style and the options you require for both the
    thumbnails and large images and then choose whether you want to use the fi le’s description that
    you may have added to the metadata earlier. Just remember that if the gallery is to be hosted on
    the Internet the folder name and fi le names must have short names (eight characters maximum for
    some servers) no spaces or punctuation marks. The resulting URL when uploaded to the web will
    be your main site URL, forward slash, folder name, forward slash, index.html or index.htm.
    Note > The sequence of the images appearing in your gallery will follow a numerical and
    then alphabetical order. If you have used a two or three digit numbering system when you
    batch renamed the fi les then this will be the order of appearance in your gallery.

This workfl ow is not meant to be prescriptive and should be modifi ed to meet your own needs.
The important thing is that Adobe has now extended its focus beyond the post-production editing
tools to embrace the complete workfl ow of a photographer. The digital workfl ow has now been
embraced and our digital assets well and truly managed - a DAM good idea.
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