Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1

ongoing vocation. These are your buyer prospects and their numbers are
increasing daily.
Because these numbers are growing, you might consider setting
up a bus tour to showcase your “bargains” that you have available.
What a great way to sell several properties in one fell swoop.
Announce well in advance that your tours are for serious buyers
only. You are not looking for curiosity seekers or tire-kickers. Proof of
Funds letters or Pre-Approval Letters from a viable hard moneylender
must be faxed or emailed or there will be no access to the tour. Use the
scarcity technique by saying you expect there to be a waiting list.

Accept Bids on the Spot
There are many ways to handle the tour itself. If you are looking
to create a sense of urgency accept the bids on the spot. The investors
will love it.
Supply each tour member with an information sheet and bid
sheet for each property. Silent bids will be taken upon the visit of each
property and the winning bid announced before proceeding to the next
stop. An earnest money deposit will be required from each buyer.
You may not have the wherewithal to start such an undertaking
with a huge bus, but it’s pretty simple to rent a large van. Start small
and think big. The more deals you turn, and the quicker you turn them,
the more your profit margin grows!

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