Microsoft Word - 101Ways_FINAL.doc

(Marcin) #1 Today, when people want to look for
houses to purchase, or for a way to get rid of unwanted properties, their
first course of action is to immediately sit down at the computer and run
searches on various search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo! to
name a few. And when they do, will they find you? If your answer is
no, then this book is definitely for you. And, if you answered yes, then
congrats, because this book is for you as well.

Be Equipped and Enabled
This book will take you on a journey through a variety of
marketing resources. It is designed to put resources at your fingertips
and to equip and enable you to become more productive, more effective,
and more successful. You will learn about both online and offline
resources, because both work together and both should be used.
Every resource in this book is designed with one major goal in
mind, and that is to keep a continual flow of leads coming into your
marketing system. Once you have that continuous flow, the next step is
for you to be equipped to handle those leads through an automated
system that will not demand your constant attention. In essence, it is
designed to help your business become a hands-free operation.

Make Time for Yourself
It’s a known fact that entrepreneurs, by nature, are doers! They
like to live with their fingers in every pie. (Can you relate?) These

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